You’ll be responsible for passing on the good vibes, writing the recommendations, offering up a spot for interns at your company. You’ll be the one sending annoying letter asking for donations out to other alumni. At the other end of the college journey, alumni are key to conquering the job market high-powered alumni offer internships, put in a good word with their colleagues, write recommendation letters, and do everything they can to grease the wheels for their fellow alums.Īnd, of course, it’s worth researching the alumni association because if all goes well you’ll be one of them in the future. Once you’re in, the alumni are a major force in sponsoring scholarships, and they’re often the ones deciding who gets paid and who doesn’t. Why? For one thing, alumni are often heavily involved in recruitment – you may even have an alumnus interviewing you when you apply. Researching the alumni association of your top choice colleges should be part of any prospective student’s college search. Why should you bother? Isn’t the alumni association just a stuck-up old boys’ club? It’s such a long way into the future, and how does it really impact you anyway? How can alumni help students when they’re just trying to get into college? Well, the alumni association might have some old boys in it, but it will also have some of the most important people in your college career, if you’re looking at one of the colleges and universities with the best alumni networks. Very few students really take the alumni association into account when they’re researching where they want to go to college. Bret Becton, University of Southern Mississippi's College of Business & Economic Development Robin Sronce, Southern Arkansas University's Rankin College of Business Cathy Carey, University of Southern Indiana's Romain College of Business Brown College of Business and Public Administration Lawrence Rose, California State University, San Bernardino's Jack H. David Meinert, Missouri State University's College of Business Xinjian (Arthur) Lu, SUNY Polytechnic Institute's College of Business Management Munir Quddus, Prairie View A&M University's College of Business Kevin Mason, Arkansas Tech University's College of Business

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